TIDAL WAVE As I sit pensively, lost in thoughts by the rocky steppes I observe your transparent beauty as it cascades down those Inclines unobstructed, uninhibited and unsullied by all that Is impure, untried and inexperienced within life's steep steps.
You are radiant and full of vital impulse, your innocence Primordial and primitive. You emanate from a far source Tossing your self uncaringly over the precipice, oblivious to sense And to any dangers that may abound in the abyss that is life's source.
The foam of your powerful impact generates heat, energy And activity that is translatable by man in beneficial ways. Luscious greenery abides in your presence and your synergy Nourishes with life giving effulgence and the warm embrace of days.
Within your bosom emerged the first forms of life In minute sub-atomic particles. Yes in your primitive womb Were the first living things cradled and sustained with rife Until the time was right for their emergence on terra's tomb.
Your beneficence has not ceased in the least since that remote Early times when the world was young and unweaned. Beloved, you are the embodiment of all that represents life's rote, Unceasingly providing for man's sustenance through eons on end.
Together with the other elements creation becomes complete And revealed in its many forms and appearances. You are loath To destroy or to harm except when your warnings and cautions replete Are disdainfully ignored and unregarded and man's solemn oath Forfeited. He then pays fully the ultimate price of non-reverence to thee.
Your name is Unami "the turtle" and the bull frogs moan and croak On your lily pods all through the summer night, creating a melody of symphonic Sounds that reverberate hither and tither on surrounding rock. The wild geese come and go and the turtles randomly appear phobic.
Within your boundless fringes reside the great creations Of our mythologies and folkloreour fairytales and legends. Those ancient beings that have forever existed in our imaginations, Our deepest realities. Indeed I wonder how old you are
My mind cannot fully fathom nor conceive of your true origin and era, Of your scope, of your boundlessness. You have witnessed and perchance Engendered all the transformations and upheavals on terra. Your ageless Wisdom leaves me speechless and insecure at a glance.
All these and more cause me to honor thee, to acknowledge Your love, your supremacy and your strength, against which power I am helpless and ignore at my peril. And after I am long gone You still remain as you always have been, even before man ever Made his entrance upon Terra and inhabited your shores edge.
John Chike Onyido, Sumneytown, Pennsylvania |